Project Description

The economic and brand costs of workplace harassment are devastating, but it seems like nearly every state has its own set of rules about workplace harassment.  Enter Paragon Compliance!  We are here to help make sure you’re following your state’s rules and doing so on time.  New York State is leading the way with newly enacted rules that heighten employer responsibility when it comes to handling claims of harassment.

At Paragon, we have designed training programs to help prevent sexual harassment from occurring in the first place and to keep your organization out of the headlines.

  • Sexual Harassment Prevention Training Programs:  Access to interactive, on-line sexual harassment prevention training programs for both supervisors/managers and rank-and-file employees.  Our system provides you with reports tracking employee participation and engagement, and individual certificates of completion for each employee who successfully completes the program.
  • In-Person Training Programs: For clients with specific or unique needs, Paragon will create and deliver in-person training specifically tailored to meet your organization’s specific needs.  Available options range from one-on-one training to facilitating round table discussions.
  • Internal Investigations:  Our skilled team of consultants will serve as independent investigators where complaints involving allegations of harassment have been made. Our experts will handle all aspects of the process, including conducting interviews, analyzing relevant documents and potential evidence, and drafting comprehensive post-investigation reports.
  • Anti-Harassment Policy Review and Assessment:  We will complete an analysis of your existing anti-harassment policies and procedures and provide feedback on suggested revisions or modifications.